Once you have paid off a few bills with us, your account will have officially completed our initial onboarding requirements! This means you can defer as many bills as you want until you use your entire available balance. Your balance automatically increases as you use our service and make payments on time.
For new users:
For your first few bills with us, you will have to pay the first 2 installments on your existing bill(s) before you can upload another a bill and use the Pay in 4 feature. You can however use the Pay in 1 feature at anytime, which allows you to pay upfront using your card.
For example, once you have paid the first 2 installments on your first bill with us, you can then defer another bill to be paid by us.
The system also checks how quickly bills are uploaded and payments are made, as well as the information on the bill. If bills are being uploaded too quickly, our risk monitoring checks may reject a bill and ask for some payments to be made on existing deferrals first. This ensures we continue to encourage a community of responsible budgeters on the platform. As we get to know more about you and your payment history, this will naturally adjust to offer more flexibility.