The most important factor to improving your credit score is on-time payment history. The longer you hold an account and the more positive payment history you have, generally the better your credit score will be. Deferit reports all Pay in 4 and Pay in 1 payments in order to help boost your credit score. Late payments are also reported and can have a negative impact on your credit score.
If you pay a bill with Deferit using the Pay in 1 feature you will always get positive payment history added to your credit score.
If you can’t make a Pay in 4 payment by the due date you can move the date in your Deferit account and you will still get the benefits of positive payment history when you pay on or before the new date. As always if you need more time to pay you can contact our friendly customer support team to request more payment flexibility while still getting the benefits of positive payment history to improve your credit score.
Payments can take up to 60 days to appear on your credit report.